Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hannah, a quick update

Always talking to her toys :)
This Saturday we fly back to the good ole USA :)  In light of this I probably won't get to an official 10 month update for our little lady, as she turns 10 months right before our journey across the pond.
This was at the last week of our weekly playgroup in Luzern.

 This past month she seems to have grown up quite a bit.  She definitly lets us know what she doesn't like, which is pretty much just getting her cloths changed. Thankfully that usually only happens once a day! Besides those 5 mintues of the day she is fairly happy.  That is if she is fed and gets her sleep- two things she typically really likes. I think she has a good mix of both John and I in her (he really likes to eat and I love to sleep).   :)

She has started to do a low crawl and every once and awhile a full on crawl up on all fours, but that can wait til after the plane trip :)
She also seems to be making more and more sounds this month as well. The latest is a Baa sound, which is obviously Bear.
Anyways that is a really quick update. We are looking forward to seeing a few of you in person soon! That is if we survive 20 some hours of travel with a baby who LOVES her crib to sleep in (I think airplane designers really need to install some cribs for travelling families).

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