Monday, January 18, 2016

Elliot is one!


I can't believe that our little baby Elliott turned one this past weekend. The last few months of this year have gone by SO quickly! I remember that from Hannah's first year as well, the first few months go by slowly, but then after 6 months it goes quickly.  For us adding a second child, even though he was easy, was a big adjustment, especially without family around.  It is hard to sum it up into words, but it was a year that was hard and good and brought a lot of growth to us all.
stacking blocks
In the past month Elliott has continued to sleep well, still taking two naps most of the time... although Saturdays we try to have him skip it so we can be out all morning.

Hot chocolate after skiing
trying to open his present

Not sure what this is...

Smile for the camera!

Yum I like this cake mom!

He is still not walking independently. I am not worried in the least, his sister didn't walk until 17 months, but he has been crawling since 6 months and walking with a walking toy for about 2 months... it is more the anticipation of when he will make the leap towards walking.... he is making us wait!  Elliott continues to be a good eater. He likes most things and he definitely likes to share ALL of his food with Bear. He still eats with his fingers but likes to steal of spoon from mommy and pretend he can feed himself with it. He can “play“ independently, or with sister, for a good chunk of time before needing some cuddle time with mommy or daddy. Elliott is able to stack rings and 2-3 blocks. He likes to practice the shape sorter, but can't do it independently.  Elliott loves to be outside or in the bathtub, he really enjoyed sledding on his birthday.
getting ready to ski with daddy

There she goes

 And finally the thing Elliott loves to do most is smile and it is such a cute smile!

The day after Elliott's birthday John and I got to go snowshoeing in all the fresh snow!