Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jet lag

I have a lot of catching up to do on here about our trip to Iowa/ Minnesota. But, for now just a quick update to say Hannah and I made it back to Switzerland safe and sound.
The trip going this direction across the pond is a bit faster, a bit under 20 hours which includes a 1.5 hour late flight into Zurich. As this was the first time flying alone with Hannah, I was glad that the trip was a few hours shorter! I was fairly anxious the few days prior to our trip back without Daddy. They key factor to my anxiety was not knowing how Hannah would do and she did great. She got some short naps in the airport in her stroller since she didn't sleep on the two shorter flights, ( too much to look at, very bright, noisy...) and these naps were enough to carry her through to bedtime on the long flight. Where there was only a total of 5-10 min of crying! Although we definitely use the paci for sleeping on the plane.
The only real bumps along the way were: 1. the stroller wheels popping from the air pressure and having to wheel around a stroller with flat wheels lugging a suitcase and trying to catch a train. 2. Having called in advance to be in the bassinet row only to double check at the desk and for them to tell you we were not there and there was nothing they could do. Tha I fully the gentleman next to us moved to an empty seat so we had two seats. Unfortunately they already checked the car seat so Hannah still had to sleep in my arms = a sore arm and no rest for momma as it was really uncomfortable. 3. Sitting for 1.5 hours in the plane waiting for the catering service to get their act together and get our food to the plane. Thankfully Hannah was having a fine time playing in the seat next to me!
Not sure I want to fly too many more times solo with kids that far, domestic flight sure, but international is a LONG day even with a good baby. And with more than little one seems just crazy.
Now onto the fun challenge of adjusting to this time zone. Going to the US Hannah was adjusted for the most part in 3 days, but she seems to have a harder time coming this way!
Will update more with pictures later!

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