Sunday, December 6, 2015

A wonderful trip to America

We have now managed to get through our jet lag and get settled into life again here in Switzerland after a great 3 week trip. Man we are exhausted after doing everything on our own again, it was such a blessing to have help and company for three weeks. The good food was nice too! In all seriousness it was a very nice trip. Of course I was stressed out about the two long plane rides, the drive from Iowa to Pennsylvania (15 hours), the jet-lag (interrupted nights of sleep), and sleeping in new places. To my surprise the kids did so well. The plane ride to Chicago was a lot of work to keep Elliott happy and also to try to get him to take some short naps on my lap. But we did it with minimal crying! The jet lag really only led to two early wake ups on the way there and none after our trip home. Amazing! The drive from Iowa to Pennsylvania also went well, but as soon as the car stopped the kids woke up. We were really hoping to pull off at some point and sleep a few hours. That wasn't possible so we stayed up the whole night and made the trip in excellent time.  Instead of writing about the whole trip I will just share some photos along with a little caption. Sorry they are in reverse order... My blog skills aren't that good.

Elliott loved swinging on the tree swing that is in John's parent's (Marmie and Papa) backyard.
It took Hannah a day to get brave enough to swing high, but she also loved it once she tried it. 

Hannah in her new Patagonia fleece, enjoying the mild sunny weather.
"Mom, Can this wagon go any faster?" Elliott loved going on stroller and wagon rides around the yard... and crawling all over the yard.

A quick pick-up ride to the park up the road from Marmie and Papa's house... without a seat belt!
Jumping on the trampoline at John's sister's house.
Enjoying a tractor ride around Marmie and Papa's yard... Hannah was helping with the driving.
Do I look tired? This was after our all night drive... at least the kids slept well!

Trying to get a picture of all the cousins from Pennsylvania...well at least they were all there. 

Swinging at the park with Grandma while mom was supposed to be getting a massage (sadly the therapist was sick... had to wait a day).
Peek a Boo

We had a bit family gathering in Iowa at my parents house. Most of the cousins and second cousins were there.

The Library in Grandma and Grandpa's town is so much fun. Elliott liked the tool bench the best and Hannah enjoyed the kitchen. It has so many things for children to do there plus regular children book reading times.

Enjoying the mild weather in Iowa. We got lucky, the week after we left they got a lot of snow and had very cold weather. 

But for our stay we had to resort to making snow... shaving cream and corn starch.

Santa came for a visit at Grandma and Grandpa's... Hannah was not so sure about him.

Iowa cousins... a bit easier to get a picture of just 4 little ones.

Lumberjack Elliott in his warm Patagonia winter coat and hat. We love Patagonia clothing!

Hannah loved time with Grandma and Grandpa... here she is helping Grandma cook.

John about to enjoy his long awaited Bluebird Diner breakfast... free coffee refills... yes please.

Downtown Iowa City, our old home. I think Iowa is too flat for us to ever live there after our time in Switzerland. If only there were mountains there.... 

"Mom, I see Hannah, Grandma, and Daddy!!" I want to go outside and play in the leaves too!

Coffee shops, real coffee... enough said.... 
"I love to play outside... how come we don't have a yard in Switzerland?"

Hannah trying on her Princess costume for Fasnacht this year.

Sadly it will be a long time until we will be able to visit America again, but we were so blessed by our time there and will have the memories forever.

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