Monday, October 14, 2013

Hannah 14 months

Ready to play in the rain with my rain suit!
It has been awhile since I last blogged, and again about a half month late for my monthly Hannah updates. My biggest excuse is that we just got back from a 9 day trip and I didn't feel like blogging on vacation!
I think this is a tunnel like at the park, oh wait it doesn't go anywhere.
So, Hannah is now 14.5 months old.  Crazy. We are loving how she seems to be more and more interactive everyday.  She looks right at you is clearly saying something... we just haven't deciphered much of what it is yet :) I have been casually been trying to teach her the sign for more, but she just laughs and claps her hands. Hmm. It would be great if she learned it because I need to find a way to know if she is full.... cuz this girl seems to be a bottomless pit (she loves to put her 8 teeth to work!).  She has definite food preferences... no dried apricots, apples, much meat, or cheese please. She loves the carbs, tomatoes, peas, fruit besides apples, and of course peanut butter!!  She can also chug the beverages, usually water or milk but the one time she was given juice she downed that very quickly as well. Hopefully she gets her Dad's metabolism! On vacation we actually had a scale in one of the apartments and she now weighs a little over 21 pounds. Getting big, and heavy for hiking!

She is still a little sleeper.  We decided on vacation that Hannah had to cope with one nap in the crib. It went fairly good, although she was sleepy enough to catch about a 30 minute cat nap in the Ergo Baby every morning. I am hoping to keep working on the transition to one long nap as most playgroups that we could go to happen in the morning.

We have been working on walking lately, as in the physical therapist in me decided it is time for her to walk. She can sort of keep her balance to walk with one hand, but I think she is going to continue her trend of slower gross motor skill development. I am not actually worried since she is making progress towards walking! She has become more exploratory at all the parks though. She loves crawling through tunnels, trying to crawl up the slides, and trying to bounce on the in ground trampolines.
Enjoy all the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Our babies are getting big! None of my kiddos walked until 15 months old and Savannah seems to be right on track to do the same. She can walk well when we hold her hands and can stand on her own after I coax her a bit but she is slowly making progress toward it. Looks like you guys had a fantastic trip too - my girls and I are suckers for anything 'Sound of Music' related =). I keep telling Peter that I am pretty sure you guys are never coming back to the states - all your pictures are SO beautiful, I don't know how you could ever leave. Hope you are doing well!
