Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 15 hike

So I have been delaying in writing about our awesome hike on August 15th (yet another Swiss holiday) because we took our small camera along and have not figured out were the cord is to transfer the pictures to the computer. This is somewhat sad because this hike was pretty much awesome, scary at times with a newly healed broken arm , but awesome!  We went with two Swiss friends from church, Dai and Trini and we just told them to pick a route to get up to the Briesen mountain that we see every night from our balcony.  I didn't know that they were going to pick a route that at times was about a 12 inch path with steep STEEP drop-offs on both sides.
We ended up hiking to 4 peaks on our hike, and this was all within a 15 minute drive from our house!  The highest peak, Hoher Biesen which is just over 2400 m. It was over 8 hours of hiking and it is a good thing we had friends watch Hannah as it definitely was not a baby friendly trail! 
I am hopeful we will get the pictures someday but for now I will just leave you with a generic photo of the ridge we hiked along.

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