Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hannah 4 year and Elliott 18 month update

Last week we had a check up scheduled for both kids. It ended up being 1.5 hours with the doctor and both needing immunizations. L I love the pediatricians here. They do so many tests, looking at eye sight, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and overall health.  It was not fun having both kids get shots, Hannah being a bit more of a screamer when things hurt was rather unhappy for about 30 minutes, Elliott cried for all of a few seconds.


Hannah has started to grow and slim out. She is in the 60% for height and weight now. She is 104.5 cm and a bit over 18 kg. The doctor was highly impressed with her writing ability and the self portrait that she drew. Her eye sight and hearing tested ok. She continues to need to work on her gross motor skills, like standing on one leg and hopping on one leg. She has always been slower with these things. It is most likely a combination of fear and inability. She doesn’t like to work on it, so we will have to get creative. At four Hannah seems to be more of an introvert, loving to play with the friends she already has, and likes to be in environments that she is used to. She likes to play with her baby, draw, do any type of art project or activity book, and is good at imaginative play.  


She will go to three sessions of preschool every week this year which she is very much looking forward to.  Hannah still takes a nap most days after lunch and sleeps very well at night for the most part. She and Elliott have shared a room since April, which has gone pretty well. Although sometimes Hannah goes to sleep later and would sleep in, but Elliott wakes her up in the morning since he goes to bed earlier at night.

 you may notice that Elliott likes to play with no shirt on

Elliott also had his 18 month check up last week, which as mentioned above included shots. Elliott is a BIG boy weighing a bit over 13 kg and is about 83 cm tall. This puts him at 90% for both height and weight. This is exactly how Hannah was at 18 months, so I expect him to slim out around 4 years as well.  Elliott has been picking up more words recently and is a mix between English and Swiss German. He still mostly just says one word at a time but has a few two word phrases: big boat, thank you, big boy ect.  Elliott is not cautious like Hannah, we turn our back for 1 minute and he is standing on a chair or something. 

He loves to be outside trying to climb things, finding ways to get wet, going on walks, and looking for puppies!  We tend to explain Elliott as happy go lucky as he usually has a smile on his face, but has shown he has a stubborn side and has started to test us with some tantrums… all related to wanting to be a big boy! Both kids continue to be babysat by a Swiss nanny in our home when I work on Tuesday and Thursdays. Elliott does well with this, except for the 30 seconds after I leave, in which he cries for mommy, but then he carries on having fun. We are excited to see how he continues to change from baby into little boy.

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