Monday, August 17, 2015

Elliott 7 months

Swimming, our favorite activity during this hot summer

Elliott has made it past the half year mark! I thought it seemed like he was at a stand still with developmental milestones between 5 and 6 months, but in the last few weeks he has started to change quite a bit. He is proving to be quite a bit different than Hannah, but also similar in some ways... like they both love/d to eat at this age, fairly flexible, and content going on walks, hikes, bike rides as long as we are moving. He is definitely less cautious, loves the weather, meeting his motor milestones quicker, and likes to be on the move. 

What Elliott is like at 7 months:
°Sleeps through the night, usually 11.5 hours in a row
° takes 2-3 naps 1-2.5 hours in length... he has just started to have really good naps and now they are re doing the kitchen in the apartment next to us, which is LOUD, aka hard to sleep with the noise... the is the biggest downside to apartment living!

They both love bear

° Started to crawl, very slowly 3 days before turning 7 months
Love the uncoordinated crawling

Elliott's adorable crooked smile

° Eats 3 solid meals a day, nurses 4-5 times a day plus a bit extra in a bottle at bedtime. He isn't too good at picking his food up and getting it in his mouth so he is mostly spoon fed. But with his 6 teeth he can eat some normal food... like spaghetti for dinner tonight!

Love oatmeal and apples for breakfast
° He has been working on getting his 7th and 8th tooth forever, but they are not through yet!
° He loves to be outside, doing anything... a true Patton!

He loves watching sister... She is so cool!

So much fun swinging 

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