Monday, June 22, 2015

Elliott 5 months

Our little man turned 5 months last week! I can say that this past month went by faster than any of the other months.  We have been busy enjoying the summer days.  Although the weather varies a bit more here we have had some really nice sunny days in the last month. We have done a bike ride to Luzern, had visitors from Iowa, and I have continued to work 2 days a week.  I will just post a lot of cute pictures this month with a summary of what Elliott has been up to.
Smiley man, earlier this month before his 6 teeth came in. Yes, 6 teeth!
Hannah loves her little brother, most of the time.... just don't try to play with my toys!

Hannah loves "coffee"
Elliott wishes he could have a sip of Daddy's coffee

I am getting good at sitting

Elliott sitting and reading his first book

Hannah taking a picture with baby brother- aka sitting on Elliott.

5 month activity:
*as mentioned above, Elliott now has 6 teeth, two on the bottom four on the top. Thankfully he hasn't been too fussy with them.
*he currently has his first real cold, which has made him a little more fussy, but generally still happy.
*he has slept through the night for 4 nights in a row 7 pm to 6:30 am without needing to nurse!... we hope this is the new normal.
*he started to eat a few solids at the end of the month and is loving it. With all of his teeth I am hoping he can do finger foods sooner than Hannah.
* He rolls from tummy to back but not back to belly.
*He can sit unsupported for about 1 min, sometimes longer. 
* He still takes about 3 naps 1 hr to 1 hr 30 in length... 
* He is such a smiley baby, he smiles with his whole body!

That's all until next month... it is a big month, Hannah turns 3 and Elliott 6 months, and we will have been in Switzerland 2.5 years!

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