Sunday, December 15, 2013

Above the clouds

The little bumps are the tops of mountains sticking out over the fog/clouds
This time of year in Central Switzerland there is often a thick layer of "high fog" or some days it actually isn't that high. In fact some days if you go up 100-200 meters you are above this fog/cloud and in the beautiful blue sky.                                                                       

Once the fog settles in it usually takes about 4 days for it to finally burn off. It can be a little sad to live in the fog, but we are thankful that it takes 10 minutes to usually get above the fog into the blue skies.
This past Friday Hannah had her first trial day at daycare (here they have you trial 2 half days and a full day to make sure the child will adjust ok) and I took advantage by going snowshoe hiking above the clouds.

Happy in the sun!
 It was a glorious 2 hours in the sun! John just ordered a pair of snowshoes for Christmas so we are looking forward to many more hikes this winter when we get back from America (yes we fly in 1.5 weeks...eeek). I hope everyone is enjoying this Christmas season.

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