Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hannah is 1 year old!

Peek a boo
It has been two weeks since I have written a post, yes I can type post surgery. Actually, we had visitors for 12 days and life was just busy, there will be a few posts of their visit coming.
Fast asleep from the walk home after 2 hours at the pool
It is crazy to think that Little Miss Hannah is already 1 year old! We celebrated with some friends at the beach, which was so nice as it has been close to 90 degrees for quite a while now! Unfortunately Hannah had a bit of a fever on the day of her birthday party so she looks only half excited in the pictures.

Park at the beach where we had her party
It is fun to think back on all the changes that happen in the first year. One big milestone we are still waiting for, is for her to take her first steps.  I think it will be awhile as her balance isn't great yet.
Highlights of Hannah at the age of 1:

*She prefers to eat all food with her own hands, but I still feed her yogurt with the spoon. I haven't felt like the mess that comes with trying have her use a spoon herself! Now that she eats almost all finger foods her preferences are definitely coming out. She loves fruit, sweet potatoes, peas, hummus, yogurt, crackers, bread, peanut butter, spaghetti, pizza, sometimes beans. She doesn't like meat or cheese.

Happy Birthday!
* She is still nursing 3-4 times a day. I wanted to promptly switch her to cows milk when she was 1, but her tummy did not like it, even with just 4 oz. We are awaiting the results of a blood test to see if she might have an allergy. They have formula for 12+ months here as well, but her stomach did not accept that either. Yesterday I gave her some lactose free milk and it seemed to be ok, and she simply refused the taste of soy milk!
*She is crawling everywhere, pulling up to stand but still keeps at least one hand firmly fixed to the surface she is standing at, cruises side to side on furniture.
*Still really enjoys the outdoors: hikes, runs, swimming (if the water isn't freezing), going down slides with mom or dad, swinging, and loves seeing other dogs when we are outside.
*Talker: I am not good at knowing what she is saying but man she loves to babble. She definitely says mama, dada, ba ba (bear), but I have not deciphered much else. Every once and a while I try to show her a few easy signs for more or milk but I don't think she has it figured out at all.
*Growth: she is 8.85 kg or 19.5 lbs, and the length and head circumference were told to me very quickly in German so I forgot it. I do remember that she is in the 75% for both.

I am sure there is much more I could say but that is the highlights!

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