Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hannah 8 months

I had high hopes of taking pictures of Hannah is the same outfit each month for the first year.  Unfortunately that only lasted about 4 months, sorry Hannah! Hannah celebrated her 8th month of life in Italy this past weekend.
It is always fun to think back on the past month and note changes.
Eight month highlights:

* Sleeping close to 12 hours in a row again after moving into our new apartment!! She loves the pack and play that we are borrowing, but I think she will be excited when her crib arrives.
* This month she started to want more Mommy time vs. Daddy time, which is fine by me except when I am trying to get dinner ready.
* Thankfully still fairly content playing with her toys independent for about 20 minutes at a time which allows me to get some things done when it isn't nap time.
* Has two teeth! She was a bit more fussy prior to the teeth breaking through, but thankfully slept good for naps and during the night even while she was teething.
* Loves to eat!!  She always wants to be eating food it seems, but I try to keep some sort of schedule for her. We also got her a sippy cup and she enjoys drinking out of it, but tends to spit quite a bit of it out still.  I also have to help her drink out of it otherwise it will end up everywhere.
* Still hasn't gotten the hang of forward movement, which makes her frustrated when wanting to get somewhere. She spins around on her belly and loves to pull to stand. Just this week she has started to walk behind her wagon with support from me- her core strength and balance still aren't too good!

We are excited to see the changes that happen in the next month!

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