Today Elliott had his 2 month appointment today and is a healthy growing boy, except for possibly some reflux issues. He is still in the 50% for weight and head size- 5.51 kg and 40 cm respectively. He dropped from 50% to 45% for height. He seems so big to me, so it is interesting that he is only 50% for weight.
He sleeps pretty well at night, still waking 2 times to eat between 11/1 pm and 4/5 am, but he goes right back to sleep for the most part... but I am definitely looking forward to this dropping to once a night, then maybe my bedtime can be later than 8:45.
He is good at holding his head up on his tummy and with head control while sitting. I try to keep him upright for 15-20 min after eating to help with reflux, but when he is allowed to lay on his back he loves his little baby play mat.
We just purchased a Thule Chariot that is a nice bike trailer and jogger that he loves to ride in so far, with the infant sling installed... plus it allows us to go on family bike rides and runs again... That was our expensive anniversary present this year.
His next appointment is in 2 months, and I am excited to see the changes that happen in these two months... excited to say goodbye to the newborn stage.... I love older babies so much more!!
Also hoping we have a better report for Hannah in the next two months!